Spinal Cord Injuries and AT
This Course explores how assistive technology can benefit individuals with spinal cord injuries.
- Spinal Cord Injuries and Assistive Technology
- National Spinal Cord Injury Association Resources
- Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Resources
Carlene Hall
United Cerebral Palsy’s T.A.S.C. received funding in 2010 from “Paint the Streets 5K” in memory of Carlene Hall.
These funds allowed us to purchase more technology for our demo and loan closet. Please check out our lending library Alabama AT 4 ALL where you can check out items for 3 weeks before you buy. This allows consumers a trial period to decide if a device will benefit them or not!
Computer Access
Computers are a way to access the internet; and with the internet, we are able to scan through thousands of years worth of knowledge and communicate with individuals all over the world. When someone is unable to access the internet it can be frustrating and hinder their ability to learn and communicate. Believe it or not, There are plenty of products to help individuals utilize a computer. Some devices are even 100% hands-free.
- 100% Hands-Free
- Accessible Homes Some changes could be extending doors with different hinges, adding a ramp to the front doorstep, moving around the furniture to fit a wheelchair, or adding a door hinge that opens door with the push of a button.
- Automatic Door opener
- Door Hinge extenders
- Eating and Drinking There are do it yourself (DIY) adaptations for eating and drinking. You can either make your own low-tech devices or buy ones that may look a bit nicer. It all depends on how crafty you can be! Look around your house and make your own adaptions that fit your specific needs!
- Please check out our Eating and drinking Module under “Independent Living”
- Check out our Pinterest for great links to technology