Accessing Potential Through Assistive Technology
Alternative Computer Access

This module will guide you through alternative types of computer access and different ways to control the computer. Please take note of which version of operating system (OS X El Capitan or Windows 10 for example) the resource is for as software and hardware for computers is always rapidly changing!  If you see a product you are interested in, please check our lending library for loan availability.

Macs (uses OS X)

To check what operating system you are running on click the Apple logo in the very top left-hand corner then select “about this Mac”. At the top of the pop-up window, it should say OS X followed by a name. For example OS X Moutain Lion or OS X El Capitan. If you have a different operating system than the one listed with the instructions below some direction may have changed. Please contact Apple Support or your nearest Apple store with any questions regarding your operating system. 


PC (uses Windows)

To check what operating system you are running on click on the “start” menu and click on settings. From the settings menu click on “about”. Where it lists the edition is what operating system you are running. For example Windows 8 or Windows 10. If you have a different operating system than the one listed with the instructions below some direction may have changed. Please contact Microsoft Support with any questions regarding your operating system. 


Telephones and Cell Phones

This Course provides information about how assistive technology can assist in making telephones and cell phones accessible.

711 Relay
A free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and speech disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or PCs via the internet. 

Switch Activated

AAC & Phones

Many dynamic AAC Devices can work with infrared capable, blue-tooth compatible cell phones, or voice-activated phones.

  • Contact AAC vendors directly to determine which equipment would be most effective. Most medical insurances will not cover the cost of the telephone or accessories due to it not being medically necessary.

Telephones for Hard of Hearing/Deaf

Text Messaging
  • For some individuals with disabilities affecting their ability to verbally communicate, text messaging is a great option.Warning–Most cities do not have a way to text 911 call centers for emergencies.
  •  textPlus-Text from iPad
  •  TextNow-Text from iPad

More Options
Apple Accessibility and iAccess

This module will review the accessibility features for Apple products (Mac Computers, iPads, iPods, iPhones, Apple Watches and more).

Accessibility and the iPad

The following videos will review the Accessibility features that are already programmed into the iPad. Please check the publishing dates on the videos as features may change in the future. 



There are a lot of wonderful features on Apple and iDevices that we are unaware of. Did you know that you can use your iPad with just one  switch? Are you aware that you type in braille directly on your iPad? Most people are unaware of these features. Watch the following videos and click the links below for more information

The following video is a general overview of the accessibility features in iProducts such as the iPad and iPhone. We briefly review all the categories in accessibility such as hearing, vision, motor accessibility, and guided access.

Presented by Kate Mosely, AT Specialist
on August 18, 2015

If the video is blurry, click the settings icon and change quality to 720p HD.


Voice Over

The following video is about Voice Over for Apple products. How to turn it off and on and use all of Voice Over’s features!

Presented by Kate Moseley, AT Specialist
on August 10, 2015

If the video is blurry, click the settings icon and change quality to 720p HD.


Switch Access

The following video is about Switch Access on the iPad. We review the settings of Switch Access, three different types of switches, and how to hook up a switch to an iPad.

Presented by Kate Moseley, AT Specialist
on July 29, 2015

If the video is blurry, click the settings icon and change quality to 720p HD.




The following video will teach about Alternative styluses, mounts, and switch access can help make the iPad more accessible.

Presented by Laura Parks, M.Ed., AT Specialist
on September 11, 2014

If the video is blurry, click the settings icon and change quality to 720p HD.

Related Links:

Low-Tech Solutions for Easy Access 

The following Videos will inform you about low-tech solutions to make the iPad more accessible. These videos are presented by Laura Parks, M.Ed., At Specialist

How to Make an iPad Stylus

How to Make a Home Button Stopper

Sticky Situation iPad Sleeve

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